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XHA students protecting endangered wild animals in actions.

On January 2nd, 2020, The international department took part in a field trip organized by Xinhua Academy with the theme of "Protecting the Finless Porpoises." Our destination was at Datong ancient town and finless porpoise reserve located in Tongling city, Anhui Province.

During our trip, we were able to see the finless porpoises, and witness their caregivers feeding them where we were given the opportunity to ask questions. The students wanted to know "How big is a juvenile porpoise?" "How many fish will a finless porpoise eat at a time?" and more. Our group also received information about their living conditions.

We have been made more aware that the population of finless porpoises has seen a sharp decline, and their living conditions have been worsening over time. The white-flag dolphin family has even reached the point of functional extinction, thus, it is high time for us to live with these animals in harmony.

After the setting of the sun, the light of the moon and music settled across the night of Datong Town revealing new treasures. The beautiful mammals perfectly blended with the light and shadow, sound and color bringing a new vision before our eyes. We now see that it is not only these animals we must protect, but the diversity of beauty and nature in the world.

After breakfast on the morning of January 3rd, we reflected on our previous day's research to fully conclude the importance of protecting the environment and its creatures.

金儁容:저는 이번 체험학습에서 많은것을 배운것 같습니다. 우선 양쯔강돌고래라는 새로운 동물에 대해 알게 되었고 그 외에도 이 동물에 대한 여러가지 특성이나 정보를 알게 되었습니다. 다들 이 양쯔강돌고래를 보면 귀엽다고 할겁니다. 근데 이 귀여운 동물이 현제는 전세계에서 멸종위기종으로 지정하고 중국에는 1000여마리 밖에 안남았다는 사실을 아시나요? 생태계에서는 모든 동물이 각자의 천적과 먹이가 있습니다. 근데 이 중 하나라도 사라지면 생태계는 큰 피해를 입습니다. 지금 제가 발표하는 이 순간에도 많은 동물들이 감소하고 있습니다. 이를 막기 위해서는 다 같이 생태계아니 우리가 살고 있는 이 터전을 보호하려고 노력해야 합니다 감사합니다.


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